Name: Vlasov Andrey Valeriyevich
Date of Birth: November 19, 1968
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 64 day in a pre-trial detention, 678 day Under house arrest, 820 day in prison
Sentence: punishment in the form of 7 years of imprisonment with serving in a correctional colony of general regime, with deprivation of the right to engage in organizational activities in public or religious associations, public or religious organizations for 5 years, with restriction of liberty for 1 year
Currently held in: Penal Colony No. 3 in Novosibirsk Region
Address for correspondence: Vlasov Andrey Valeriyevich, born 1968, IK No. 3 in Novosibirsk Region, ul. Zvyozdnaya, 34, g. Novosibirsk, Russia, 630097

Letters of support can be sent by regular mail or through the «zonatelecom».

Parcels and parcels should not be sent because of the limit on their number per year.

Note: discussing topics related to criminal prosecution is not allowed in letters; languages other than Russian will not pass.


Andrey Vlasov is a civilian resident of Prokopievsk, whom the court sentenced to 7 years in prison only because of his faith, despite his serious illness.

Andrey was born in 1968 in Prokopyevsk. As a child, he was fond of car and aircraft modeling, drawing, went to a radio circle, played in a brass band on the clarinet, saxophone and viola.

Andrey has been limping since childhood, as long as he can remember. With age, his illness worsened. Back in the 1990s, he could ski and bike. Andrey became disabled at an older age, when it became difficult to work due to deforming arthrosis of the hip joints.

Andrey studied at the Siberian Metallurgical Institute in Novokuznetsk as a mechanical engineer of metal forming. Later, he received an additional specialty "computer operator". He worked as a loader, sorter of wood, watchman, recently, before criminal prosecution, he had a photo studio, which had to be closed.

For about 30 years, Andrey has been living in harmony with the biblical principles that his younger brother introduced him to. Andrey was especially impressed by the fact that the biblical prophecy of Daniel, expressed about 2500 years ago, is being fulfilled before his eyes.

In 2003, Andrey married Nataliya. Together they raised her son from her first marriage. Nataliya works as a hairdresser, is fond of needlework, loves to cook. Andrey also likes to draw, knit, embroider in his spare time. Before the criminal prosecution, the couple traveled with pleasure. They also like to meet friends and sing songs together with guitar and accordion.

The persecution radically changed the life of the Vlasovs. Due to house arrest, Andrey was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with others and provide for his family. All worries about material needs fell on the shoulders of Nataliya. The stress seriously affected the health of Andrey, who has a II disability group.

Andrey's parents did not live to see such a dramatic turn in his life. The adult son of Andrey and Nataliya, their relatives, friends and neighbors cannot understand what the Vlasovs family has to do with extremism.

Case History

In July 2020, a criminal case was initiated against Andrey Vlasov, a disabled Jehovah’s Witness from Prokopyevsk. The FSB accused him of organizing the activity of an extremist organization. Searches were carried out in Vlasov’s home, as well as at his workplace. Despite the fact that he cannot manage without assistance, he was placed in a temporary detention facility, and three days later he was placed under house arrest. In June 2021, the Vlasov case went to court. Although the believer’s health was deteriorating, the court would not let him visit the doctor and repeatedly extended the house arrest. The prosecutor requested 8.5 years imprisonment. In May 2022, the court sentenced Vlasov to 7 years in a penal colony. He was taken into custody in the courtroom and sent to a detention center. There he fell ill, so he was sent to medical correctional institution No.16 of Novokuznetsk. In October 2022, the believer was placed in correctional institution No.3 in Novosibirsk to serve his sentence. Despite the severe health condition of Andrey Vlasov, neither the court of appeal nor the court of cassation mitigated this unprecedented verdict.
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