Updated: April 26, 2024
Name: Kononenko Nikolay Nikolayevich
Date of Birth: January 22, 1982
Current status: Defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1.1), 282.2 (2)
Current restrictions: Recognizance agreement


Case History

In October 2021, in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, security forces searched the homes of peaceful Jehovah’s Witnesses, who were charged with extremism only because of their religion. Igor Kletkin and Vladislav Markov spent 2 days in a temporary detention facility. The investigator opened a criminal case against them, as well as Nadezhda Korobochko, for participation in extremist activities. The indictment was based on information gathered from surveillance, covert audio recordings of believers’ conversations, conflicting testimony from a secret witness, and falsified testimony from other witnesses. The case went to court in December 2022.