Actions of Law Enforcement Officers

In Smolensk, Police Planted a Banned Brochure on Jehovah's Witnesses in the Toilet

Smolensk Region

On December 18, 2016, in Smolensk, about 15 armed riot policemen, investigators and police officers entered the Jehovah's Witnesses worship building on Pushkin Street while a service was being held there with the participation of about 60 believers. Law enforcement officers purposefully entered the toilet and pretended to find a brochure included in the list of extremist materials.

This is not the first time that Jehovah's Witnesses have had literature thrown into the toilet, as a month ago in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

At the same time, in Smolensk, a search was conducted in a private house where Jehovah's Witnesses live. Believers note that police officers behaved rudely, used force against women. When one of the believers seriously deteriorated his health, the police, under the threat of force, prevented the emergency medical service from being called for a long time.